Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finds - Steampunk Valentine

My suitor sends an invitation, a love note. Won't you join me for dinner and adventure afterwards?
Steampunk Valentines from RaidersoftheLostArt
I will dress in party finery, innocent and demure with ruffles and lace. An aged mauve to enhance my blush.
Dress byGypsyJunction
A snappy dresser, my dandy man is not afraid of rich colors and fine vestments.
Man's Vest by OLearStudios
Of course he will not be late, I cannot abide by a tardy suitor.
Watch from Aranwen
He will bring me a gift, a small token of affection. Simple adornments, elegant and stylish.
Tatted earrings by Decoromana

We shall prepare ourselves for adventures unknown! Protected for whatever may arise.
Helmet by MugwortMedia
And we shall be borne away by whatever conveyance he contrives, by air, by land, or by sea...
Print by BiloxiHousewife
What plans have you this St. Valentine's Day? A Victorian romance? Vernesian fling? Or does your airship fly solo...

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